And I Must Scream: One room in SCP-106 's Pocket Dimension is filled with what look like coffins, from which muffled sobs and whispers can be heard.Amplifier Artifact: SCP-914 when set on Fine or Very Fine, though this can backfire depending on the object.Whether this is a better or worse fate than death or staying with the Foundation is very, very unclear. Ambiguous Ending: One ending has D-9341 finally escape the facility only to run into Chaos Insurgency agents, who take him with them.Having read the wiki and knowing what the designations refer to helps immensely in avoiding walking into rooms with murderous occupants. All There in the Manual: While the game does provide documents explaining the nature of the SCPs you come across, getting those generally requires entering the cells in the first place.Affably Evil: SCP-049, judging from his quotes.The game's version of the character became invoked Ascended Fanon when 049's article was rewritten in May 2018, not only making this personality change official but bringing back the same voice actor, TheVolgun, to read his lines. At the time he was added to the game, his entry on the wiki characterized him as a Silent Antagonist with a sense of Blue-and-Orange Morality despite this, the game made him more of a Cold Ham who is quite chatty while pursuing the player around the facility. Adaptation Personality Change: An interesting example with SCP-049.Horror games need to keep players scared and on their toes, and Containment Breach comes through there with flying colors.SCP: Containment Breach contains examples of: However, whereas Slenderman was a constant threat who would appear randomly before disappearing, the SCPs never leave and are always just waiting for one slip up to pounce on the player. In this way, Containment Breach is reminiscent of horror titles like Slender. Players must constantly keep enemies like 173 or other hostile entities in mind when moving throughout the game. SCP-173, a sentient statue that moves when the player isn't looking at it, perpetually pursues the player throughout the game.

The game also boasts a persistent antagonist, not unlike Resident Evil 2's Mr.

This feeling of never knowing what's ahead and never being safe is part of what makes SCP: Containment Breach such a magnificent game. This means that while journeying throughout the facility, not only is SCP-173 a constant threat, but there are also all manner of other creatures. Throughout the game, the player encounters many hostile SCPs that wish to kill them. One of the things making this game so memorable is that the player is never truly safe.